Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A lot of relationships fail for many reasons, so let's talk about those reasons!

1. The most important thing to remember is, the best relationship you need to have is with GOD & YOURSELF first! If you are not happy with who you are or what you have now, you never will be happy with what you can have & who you can be. You must love yourself before you can love another!

2. Getting advice for those who do not have healthy/successful relationships! How do you expect to learn or take someones advice who, they themselves, do not have a good relationship with their partners?!?!? 

3. Having too many people in your business. That's allowing a lot of negative energy in your relationship because all you do is complain to all these people & all of those people (majority of the time) will have nothing good to say or try to help you through. Keep your circle small because you never know who's really there to be your friend or those who act like they are your friend just to gossip about you later.

4.  Failure to support each other's growth. If you can't support your partner in their dreams & goals in life then let them go ... set them free so they can find the kind of love any good person deserves. 

5. The need to always have control or getting the last word. Realize that you control nothing but yourself. Get over your insecurity & have faith in your partner. Know that whatever is hidden in the dark WILL come to light! 

6. Not taking responsibility for your own actions. When you're wrong admit it! Apologize & find a solution to improve the situation & LET IT GO! Move forward!

7. Sneakiness/Lies. The key elements to ANY relationship is; HONESTY, LOYALTY, TRUST & COMMUNICATION! keep it real 100% of the time! It is true what they say, "The truth hurts sometimes," so if you love someone, say it with love. Not find way to tell them the truth to purposely hurt them.

8. Settling for less than you deserve. Settling won't make you happy, just an FYI! In fact it will only make you bitter & grow to resent the person you are with, potentially hurting them deeply. It's ok to be single, to be alone! Settling only shows your weakness of loneliness.

9. Lack of respect for one another. Putting each other down, disrespecting will never get you far. Love shouldn't be painful or hurtful to one another. Love is about making each other better, love is sweet & sincere.

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